Category Archives: Academic Study

Presentasi di Konferensi ICITSI 2015

Pada hari Senin, 16 November 2015 kemarin, saya pergi ke Bandung untuk mengikuti konferensi internasional mengenai Teknologi Informasi yang diadakan oleh almamater tercinta. Penyelenggaraannya di kampus Ganesha Institut Teknologi Bandung. Konferensi ini  baru dua kali diadakan. Bisa dilihat lebih detail di website-nya. Opening ceremony plus keynote speakers nya dilakukan di Aula Barat. Sedangkan parallel session-nya diadakan di Lantai 3 Labtek VIII, ada 5 ruangan terpisah. Kampus ini sudah sangat familiar buat saya, karena saya memang lulusan almamater gajah duduk (EL – 04, lulus 2008). Ada 300 paper yang di-submit dan 72 paper yang diterima, dan di konferensi tersebut saya berkesempatan untuk menjadi salah satu presenter dari paper saya yang berjudul “TF-IDF Method in Ranking Keywords of Instagram Users’ Image Caption”.

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Present Paper di ICACOMIT 2015 – Bandung

Tanggal 29-30 Oktober 2015 lalu saya berangkat ke Bandung untuk mengikuti sebuah conference. Namanya The 2015 International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Electro-mechanical System, and Information Technology (ICACOMIT 2015). Event ini diadakan oleh Indonesian Institute of Science (a.k.a. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia a.k.a. LIPI). Ini merupakan kali pertama saya mengikuti international conference sebagai author dan presenter. Hehe. Bener-bener nggak nyangka diterima, soalnya paper yang saya submit itu adalah output dari tugas mata kuliah Selected Topic in Computational Intelligence I di S2 (Magister Teknik Informatika) Binus. Terima kasih buat Pak Diaz D. Santika yang sudah memberikan tugas di mata kuliah tersebut. Tanpa bimbingan beliau, saya nggak mungkin bisa sampai ke situ nulisnya. Mungkin saya cuman bisa nulis bloooog aja terus. wkwkwk.


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Abstract of my Final Project

Here is my final project abstract. The title of my final project is Analysis of Convolutional Coding with Viterbi Decoding Performance via Frequency Non-Selective Rayleigh Fading. You know, this topic came to me when I went to Electrical Engineering Department Library. Mmm, I was inspired by a final project by Yudi Darmadi, EL 99. Thanks, Mas… 🙂


One of the channel coding deployment methods is utilizing convolutional encoder in transmitter side and Viterbi decoder in receiver side. Some parameters influence their performance in correcting error. They are constraint length, polynomial generator, bit number of soft decision, and code rate. This final project gives details about varying constraint length and bit number of soft decision that affect the system performance which is indicated by Bit Error Rate (BER) and energy per normal noise Eb/N0­­ correlation. It also gives details the effects of interleaver and deinterleaver attachment to the communication system performance.

We used computer simulation for modelling the system. There is a final project which explained this problem but only applied Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel in the system. Because AWGN channel is not practical, we use frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading channel as a channel transmission.

Here are the results of the simulations. To reach BER 10-3­, at 3-bit soft decision, without interleaver, and 3, 5, 7, 9 constraint length, we need Eb/N0 at 17, 14, 15, and 12.5 dB. It shows that bigger constraint length, lesser the requirements of Eb/N0. Moreover, utilization of 3-bit soft decision gives 2-dB performance better than hard decision. However, more number of bit soft decision, for 10-bit soft decision, the performance is unchanging, but the delay is increase and complexity as well. When we applied interleaver and deinterleaver for 10 bit in the system, to reach BER 10-3, at 3-bit soft decision and constraint length 9, we need Eb/N0 at 6 dB.


Viterbi decoder, Rayleigh fading channel, soft decision, constraint length, generator polynomial, code rate, convolutional encoder

Mandiri Entrepreneurship Workshop

Last June 2nd at West Hall ITB, I joined Wirausaha Muda Mandiri (WMM). It was so fun. It is not only because of Dian Sastro and Artika Sari Devi, but also the subject of the workshop that opened my mind. There were caliber speaker such as Rhenald Kasali, Iman Taufiq, and many succeed entrepreneurs.
Here are my screen shoots:

I also sang with ITB Students Choir there. We sang Bendera, Bangun Pemudi Pemuda, and I Believe I Can Fly. For the last song, I didn’t sing anymore because of my sleepiness.

I enjoyed this workshop, and I was so delightful when my friends, Rico, Nanta, etc., known this workshop by my posts at Civitas milis. We’ve got a reward of transportation fee, a laptop bag, lunch, coffee break, and dinner. Btw, for participants of this workshop, you should take the certificate at PCAD ITB.

Then Rico and I went to Setyo’s house to join Makrab EL 04. ow ow…

Paper deadline

Today I have done two third part of my stadium generale paper. It is not easy as I think before. Why? because I should collect the update data from internet about telecommunication in Indonesia first. Then read it and organizing my idea. At first, I’ve got spirited. But in the middle of the night now,… I am so lazy to continue it.

God, give me some spirits, please.

Btw, forgetting for a second this matter. I have gone to Church with Tere and her little brother. Her brother, Bryan has been done his ITB Admission test this day. Hope he will pass his test.

OK, keep smile and take it easy, boy! (motivate myself!)